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The story behind ReRoot - our first essential oil blend

I, Alice one of Rooteds cofounders, have since I was a teenager struggled a lot with my mental health and anxiety. I started getting panic attacks when i was 16 and got very depressed and burnt out when I was 18. Those were years with a lot of struggles and I was constantly searching for ways to quiet my mind and find some ease. It was during this time I found yoga and realised how much being mindful and present in the moment helped me find some relief. I started to explore all aspects of yoga and some parts really helped me a lot during that time. One of those things and one of my key tools to this day was how we can use our senses to come back to the moment we're in. I struggled and still struggle a lot to this day with anxiety. I worry a lot about the past and the future and have a very hard time staying in the present. But I found that by using my senses, I could easer come back to the moment I was in, for example by focusing on feeling the earth beneath my feet when I was walking or focusing on inhaling and smelling a certain scent. 
Scent turned out to be something I often reached for, since when smelling something I had to inhale the scent deeply which made me take more conscious breathes as well, which in turn also soothed me. I also realised that some scents were more soothing than others and very quickly got attached to lavender, a scent that has calmed me for many years now. 
Shortly after this i started incorporating scents into my yoga practice and classes. I noticed among students that this was deeply appreciated. I got loads of feedback from people that the scents helped them ground and find ease quicker. I started burning Palo Santo during classes and give hands-on adjustments with essential oils to create a sensory experience during their yoga practices. 
I do this to this day and I notice how small practices like this allow students to unwind and relax deeper.   
I was constantly searching for the perfect essential oil blends that were grounding, earthy and had a softness to them but found it hard to find the perfect one. That's when the idea of creating our own started forming. We built up a little lab and I had notes and scents in mind that I love and love the properties of, so we got to experimenting. 
After a lot of testing back and forth we finally came up with the perfect mix and ReRoot essential oil blend was created. The first of many oil blends to come.
I use this oil blend almost on a daily basis, as a little ritual to ground me and ReRoot me into the present moment. I also use it during my yoga classes and the feedback we've received already is out of this world. It's the most calming, soothing, earthy and grounding oil blend out there - at least if you ask me! Go give it a try🧡


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